August 28 2024 0Comment
Roof Edge Protection Cost Per Metre – The Complete Guide - Stronghold

Roof Edge Protection Cost Per Metre – The Complete Guide

If you’re wondering about the price of roof edge protection in Sydney then you’re in the right place. In this guide, I will walk you through the cost breakdown and all the key factors that will determine your final bill. There are many factors you have to consider to get the most competitive price for edge protection so read on and what can affect the price of roof edge protection.

Roof Edge Protection Pricing

Our prices for roof edge protection vary from job to job massively depending on a whole host of factors. One of the factors we must take into consideration is location. Being based in Mascot we are well-positioned to service most of Sydney within 30 minutes. If the location of the job is beyond this we must factor in additional fuel, covering the installations team’s wages whilst traveling. If you didn’t know Sydney is the most tolled city in the world so, of course, we must add an allowance for that too.

Roof Edge Protection Pricing Sydney - Stronghold Hire

Building Height Factors

Another factor we take into consideration is the building height, most single stories can be done from the ground with 2 men. Double stories and above may need an extra man or maybe might need an elevated work platform to gain safe access or egress to the work area. We at Edge Protection Hire can also provide scaffold stair access or stretcher stair access if you need to get any injured workers from the work area.

Height Safety Requirements

A factor that we find is most overlooked is height safety equipment. We are there to install fall protection but to do this safely our installation teams may need anchor points. We have temporary anchor points that we can be installed if suitable. This takes a lot of team training and time to ensure our team knows how to do this safely and are comfortable doing this as well.

Edge Protection Brackets

Another thing we look at is the edge protection bracket type that we use and in what application, some systems can be installed a lot quicker than others, meaning less time spent on site.

Discounts for Multiple Jobs

We also factor in multiple jobs. We can offer big discounts for multiple jobs. The reason is we can potentially install 2/3 small jobs a day. Therefore, bringing down the cost for you. Medium jobs can be more expensive as we still need to pay our installation team 8 hours a day when they can’t go on to another job. It’s a fine line.

Pricing Edge Protection Project Sydney - Stronghold

Pricing Edge Protection Projects in Sydney

More people are now coming to the understanding that it’s not going to be $30-$40 per liner meter and understand the costs involved in providing safe, quality edge protection that complies with AS/NZS 4994.2. It’s a tricky one and we have to factor the above in amongst other things, we price per job. If you have a job that needs edge protection then give us a call now on 02 89852020 or contact us online for pricing.


We have over 20 years combined experience in the scaffolding and labour hire industry with clients ranging from government bodies and large construction companies through to smaller subcontractors such as painters, plumbers, lift installers, electricians, roof tilers and renderers. We are one of the leading providers of scaffolding labour hire throughout the Sydney area and our experienced and qualified scaffolders can ensure your projects are erected and dismantled on time and on budget.

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