Sydney Harbour Bridge Maintenance


Sydney Harbour Bridge Maintenance North Pylon

Scaffolding System:
HAKI Aluminium Modular System

Brand Energy and Infrastructure Services

January 2015 – Ongoing

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Stronghold Hire provide the labour for the above ongoing contract. With 5 to 8 employees there on a daily basis we are providing the labour for the erection, dismantle and modifications to the scaffold on the underside of the Sydney Harbour Bridge for Blast and paint repair. Working directly under the supervision of Brand Energy and Infrastructure Services (BEIS), we are using a lightweight Swedish scaffolding system called HAKI. The scaffold is erected following the drawings produced by the engineers at BEIS and approved by the Roads and Maritime Services. The work requires the attention of our most experienced and highly skilled scaffolders in order to be carried out safely and correctly.

Contact us today for a no obligation quote for all of your scaffolding needs!